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General18 years ago

WC3L surpasses NGL in prizes - 20,000 €


Joining up with Fujitsu Siemens gave WC3L the chance to double their prize money. They now give 20,000 € in prize money, and thereby surpasses NGL-ONE.

The hotshot clanleauge WC3L took another step in being the leading league for clans in the WarCraft 3 scene. Welcoming Fujitsu Siemens Computers as a new sponsor for WC3L they were able to increase the total prize money. Previously the amount was 10,000€, now the 12 teams in WC3L battle for the double amount - 20,000 €. "The prize money boost was not possible without the engagement of the German market leader and their commitment to the electronic sport," WC3L announce in the official newspost.

New Prize money distribution:

#1: 10,000 Euro
#2: 6,000 Euro
#3: 3,000 Euro
#4: 1,000 Euro

This means that WC3L surpasses NGL-ONE in the total prize money. For the first season of NGL-ONE 16,000$ was given to the WarCraf top three. Though NGL-ONE also gave the teams who played the whole season with respecting and following the rules an additional 500$. But this seems to be in dollars, so WC3L are are still leading when it comes to rewarding the teams in the clanleague.

Links - Source - Website of Fujitsu Siemens Computers