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General19 years ago

DHS06: Draco wins!

The Starcraft 1on1 tournament on DreaHack was a success, espicially for one player. I am sure you have heard his name before, but if you haven’t – make sure to keep it in mind from now on. You will hear it again.

Krzysztof Nalepka, Poland Draco. Roumors about a trip to Korea where a professional team would be waiting is surrounding him, and after his trip to Sweden together with three of the Warcraft players in his clan (two of them Koreans), Meet Your Makers, to visit DreamHack and participating in the Starcraft tournament we can clearly see the guy is very good.

In the tournament there were many known names starting. Old school Sweden DeliCato, who nowadays mainly play Warcraft, Sweden Xodiac – also inactive, Sweden TreK, Sweden Mireille, Sweden KaaZ, Sweden DaZe, Czech Republic Crow, Czech Republic Energy, Czech Republic Jump and many more.

Sweden OseT
Sweden DeliCato
Sweden Troy
Sweden KaaZ
Sweden DaZe
Czech Republic Crow
Sweden DaZe
How about going undefeated trough the whole tournament? Not a single lost map. Hands down, he deserved to win. On his way to the victory and the 9 000 SEK (~€1000) he had to beat the players seen to the right. Wins against players like KaaZ and DaZe is good, and the Czech player Crow also got to feel the wrath of the Pole.

Grand Final played on stage

07cf644347e0c52a45539fa86dad7f4fa1ddff9df6b4d5d0e42d7bf219.jpgIn the Grand Final, which was played on the stage, Draco had to face DaZe for a second time. Draco won in the Winners Bracket, DaZe managed to win the Losers Bracket final against Crow (picture), and voila – Draco vs. DaZe final. As he was coming form WB, Draco was already up 1-0. The match was played in a best out of five game series. First player to get three wins would be crowned the winner.

The games were similar to the WB final, where the Pole’s powerful rushes could hurt the Swedish Terran early on, and then use the advantage. In the first final game Draco built an assimilator on DaZe’s gas not only once, but twice! When his Zealot arrived and forced the Swedish hope to focus on microing the few marines around with some SCVC’s. The Protoss just continued to send more units all the time, and after some time he had an expansion and a bunch of gateways, when DaZe was struggling, trying to expand and being low on units.

Second game started out similar, but DaZe was able to handle the rush better. The Terran managed to get an expansion up, and at the same time delay Draco’s first try to expand. Both players went into macro mode, where DaZe after a while moved out and Siged up a bunch of Tanks, with support from Vultures and mines. It looked to be successful at first, but when Draco just kept on strengthening his forces we could see where it was heading. DaZe was overrun, and had to type out.

Congratulations to Polish Draco for winning and of course for DaZe and Crow to take 2nd and 3rd place. Thanks to everyone who participated and made it a successful tournament!

Draco - Who Met his Makers and went undefeated through DreamHack Summer 2006

Links - Tournament brackets