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Cloud 9 wins NA LCS Spring Playoffs

Cloud 9 defeated TSM in a decisive three game series.  This secures their spot in the regional invitational All-Stars tournament in Paris.

In the first game, TSM picked champions to win standard lane matchups.  Most of their champions peaked at around mid game.  Unfortunately for TSM, they began losing lanes early.

Hai's Leblanc proved a true terror, getting kills and making life difficult for most of TSM.  The true MVP, however, was warding, as it allowed C9 to make superior rotations and win a very one-sided game.

In the second game, TSM banned Leblanc, but went even further into specializing in early game champions.  A fight in the jungle near Dragon went sour, and though TSM took early towers, they had an uphill battle to fight in terms of kills.

Cloud 9 took dragon fights in their favor, and TSM's champions fell off hard.  Cloud 9 found another seemingly easy win.

Both teams picked to avoid team fights and siege in the third game.  Cloud 9 picked a tri-pushing composition, and TSM picked for full team siege.

Cloud 9 split TSM's pressure too much, and outside WildTurtle's Graves, they didn't have any waveclear to stall out Sneaky, Lemon, and Meteos mid.  Smart Destiny Gates from Hai turned fights, and TSM once again lost, taking only 6 kills in three games.

Headline photo from Lolesports

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