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TSM Narrowly edge out CLG to proceed to Grand Finals


CLG start the series strong but TSM prevails in a resiliant showing


TSM vs CLG Game 1 

Game started with 2v1 splitpushes and both teams taking 2 turrets each. At level 6 CLG use their double globals to pick off dyrus in the toplane and take the outer turret. TSM have the timer on the CLG red buff and take it, however CLG make a good decision and take dragon. Afterwards, TSM push down the midlane turret and CLG engage onto TSM using their globals to take out two members of TSM and then the mid lane turret.

CLG make a few good rotations and get tier two top lane turret. TSM are behind and try to gain an advantage by taking dragon but CLG engage onto them killing Xpecial, but clg cant take dragon due to Nidalee Spears. Again TSM start dragon and this time CLG engage onto them and take out Dyrus and dragon. CLG get tier 2 mid lane turret and inhibitor turret and TSM only get bot lane tier 2. After several good rotations CLG have a commanding lead when they get a pick off on TheOddOne then rotate and kill Baron. CLG push their advantage taking all three inhibitors and forcing the game. CLG take the first game of the series 1-0


TSM vs CLG Game 2

Tsm get 3 buffs at level 1. However CLG get 2 bot lane turrets for the 1 top lane turret. CLG rotate their botlane to top and get a pick onto Wildturtle for firstblood onto Nien's Jax. CLG start up drag 10 minutes in and take it uncontested. TSM push into the midlane but CLG engage onto them using nocturn ult and Nami ult picking off two members of TSM and losing none. TSM take an uncontested dragon 16 minutes in. CLG rotate mid and take the outer mid turret. CLG engage onto TSM but TSM turn and kill Nien. However, with the damage done CLG take dragon but TSM kill Dexter after he takes the dragon.

TSM take mid turret off of their man advantage and then TSM get a great hook onto link and pick him and Doublelift off , as well as Dyrus kills Nien 1v1 in botlane. Then TSM takes the baron off the advantage and use their baron advantage to take tier 2 mid lane turret then rotate and take dragon.  TSM pick off Nien, then take top lane tier 2 turret, inhibitor turret and inhibitor. Then TSM rotate and take middle inhinitor turret and middle inhibitor. TSM engage on to CLG taking out all 5 giving a pentakill to Bjergsen then push one nexus turret down. TSM rotate to botlane and take turret, then fight CLG taking out 3 members of CLG then push to win the game. TSM take game 2 in 35minutes taking the series to 1-1


TSM vs CLG Game 3 

The final game starts with normal lanes, and no 2v1 pushes. Dyrus overextends and Nien and Dexter kill him for first blood 7 minutes in. CLG make a good rotation and take dragon uncontested 9 mintues in. Bjergsen roamed and got a kill onto Nien in the toplane. Dyrus and TheOddOne dive onto killing Nien. TSM take mid and top outer turrets off of lane pressure. TSM use their advantage to push down the tier 2 mid lane turret. TSM take an uncontested dragon 18 minutes in.

TSM engage onto CLG in the bot lane and take out Aphromoo, and then pick Dexter off shortly after. Shortly afte they start a fight at CLG's bot lane tier 2 and CLG are able to turn the fight and kill 3 members while only losing 1. TSM engage onto CLG in top lane killing 2 for none. TSM take middle inhibitor off the man advantage. CLG get caught at dragon and TSM ace them, meanwhile super minions are pushing down nexus turrets, and TSM take the game three stunningly fast! 






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