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Ahq joins TPA in the GPL Spring finals

After an initial loss in Game One to the Saigon Jokers, ahq Esports Club took the semifinal series with three wins in a row.
GreenTea's Blitzcrank pick backfired, as he proved only a minimal threat to Archie's Jinx with Junie's Morgana present, and both Archie and Safety's Kha'Zix could find kills easily.  The Jokers' team then proved itself adept at sieging with Optimus' Ziggs, and the Vietnamese team found the first victory of the series.
Ahq's first step to correct the failings of last game was to ban out Ziggs' terrifying wave clear.  With three mid lane bans against Optimus, SAJ's mid tried his hand at westdoor's trademark Fizz.  Westdoor made quick work of the Jokers' team with little opposition in the mid lane, roaming bottom and finding kills for himself and GarnetDevil.  With a better picks and bans phase, ahq tied up the series.
As often happens when these teams meet, Saigon Jokers found an early lead.  They took dragons and towers before Naz and his team could react.  At around twenty minutes, however, the game turned at a fight near ahq's second tier turret.  Superior team fight coordination allowed ahq to get more kills and reverse the lead, giving them their second win of the series.
QTV's Rengar pick was likely intended to make ahq uncertain.  Instead of dealing with it, ahq chose to lane swap, which lessended some of his game impact.  The first several minutes of the game were full of kill trades for both teams.  In the mid to late game, QTV and Prydz started a split push war, but Prydz and westdoor's global ultimates meant they could find numbers advantages in surprise fights.  
Without having to deal with Ziggs, westdoor's competitive wave clear allowed ahq to take objectives off picks.  Though the game was messy, this proved essential in leading ahq to their ultimate victory.

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