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NA LCS Week 11 Day1 Second Half Recap


Cloud 9 prove once again why they are the top team in North America in Day 1.

CLG vs C9

The CLG vs Cloud 9 started with Dexter getting first blood on Sneaky with a dive in botlane. C9 and CLG continue to trade objectives and kills until a teamfight in the midlane where Cloud 9 flanks with Lulu, with Kha'Zix ulting in with Shen using Stand United on him, giving Cloud 9 Baron and Dragon. With Baron, Cloud 9 got another good teamfight getting 3 kills without anyone deaths, then rotating to get the inhib.

However, CLG was not out yet. Cloud 9 overextended to get a nexus turret where Meteos dies taking Nien with him. C9 pull off and try to pick CLG coming out of their base, but CLG instantly kill Hai and turn on the rest of C9. Doublelift plays the teamfight perfectly getting the Quadra kill. CLG are poised to make the comeback, but Doublelift and Aphromoo try to steal red and are picked off by C9. Cloud 9 immediately shove down mid to take the game and start their superweek 2-0!

DIG vs Curse

The winner of this match was guaranteed a playoff spot. It started with the teams playing 2v1 lanes and getting 2 turrets each. Curse catch Kiwikid in the toplane, and rotate mid and kill Goldenglue. Afterwards, Curse takes dragon but Dignitas contest it and kill IWillDominate but lose Crumbzz and Kiwikid.

Curse seems to have a good lead, so Dig starts dragon to catch up but IWD steals the dragon and Curse turns on Dig, but Goldenglue picks up kills throughout the fight and picks up a Quadrakill. After some objective dancing and small fights Dig takes a sneaky baron and turn to fight curse, taking out 3 Curse member and only lost the support. Dignitas then rotates toplane and pushes 2 turrets and pick off Quas. Once Quas was on a long death timer Dignitas pushed to win locking in the playoff berth!


EG start the game by trying to invade TSM's red buff, but TSM spotted them out and ran them down getting Bjergsen first blood and a kill for Theoddone. Both teams do 2v1 laneswaps, but only TSM gets the early turret in the toplane due to Theoddone going to defend bot turret with Dyrus.Dyrus gets dove in the top lane by Snoopeh and Innox. Seeing that TSM take bot turret and dragon to make their lead jump ahead.

EG start a push in mid lane when Theoddone ults down and flash's to stun, but by doing this he puts himself out of position and dies without any help. TSM rotate onto baron and Krepo's morgana flash ults onto 4 of them, but instantly dies and TSM turns to the rest of EG. EG coordinates well and Nidalee gets a triple kill, but while trying to kill Bjergsen pobelter dies in a 4-3 for TSM.  TSM catches morgana in midlane killing her then taking 2 turrets in a row leaving the inhib open. Immedietly after TSM gets a good fight going 4-1 and pushes for the win. 


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