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General12 years ago

MiSTakE is out of Taipei Assassins; joins/forms brother team Taipei Snipers

It has been officially announced that the world-renowned Taipei Assassins has formed a brother team that goes by 'Taipei Snipers'

Though Taipei Assassins successfully defeated Azubu Frost in the Season 2 World Championships to claim the gold, they felt their performance was beginning to slip. Though they placed 3rd in the IGN Proleague 5 tournament which most would consider a solid placement, for the world champions, they felt it was a weak showing.

Due to this reason, their support and primary shot-caller MiSTakE will be taking a leave to participate in the Garena tournaments with Taipei Snipers in hopes that a new leader and different support will put them back where they belong.

The once vacant position of support for Taipei Assassins will be taken over by Hong-Wei 'Dinter' Xue and Chen 'Mistake' Hui will be in the bottom lane supporting famous Taiwanese streamer Wang 'GodJJ' Yong Jie. The organization will strengthen itself with a similar practice regime to that of Korean teams with a permanent, heavily influential practice team.

Taipei Assassins Roster
Taiwan Stanley - Top
Taiwan Lilballz - Jungler
Hong Kong Toyz - AP Mid
Taiwan Bebeisadog - AD Carry
Taiwan Dinter - Support

Taipei Snipers Roster
Taiwan Zonda - Top
Taiwan OhReaL - Jungle
Taiwan NeXAbc -AP Mid
Taiwan GodJJ - AD Carry
Taiwan MiSTakE - Support

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