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StarCraft18 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Taiwan versus ImpuLsive.Inc


Recently Clan ImpuLsive.Inc had a team war with MicroGamerZ, things did not end well for the puLs team, as the war ended with a score of 4 to 2 in MicroGamerZ's favor. But, seeing how ImpuLsive.Inc is still growing they wont let up that easy, and instead of a single team, they will take on an entire nation!

Taiwan is not really known for its StarCraft gaming skills, rather it’s known for when you look at a box or something and see "Made in Taiwan." But do not have doubt in the little nation off the coast of China, they are as big in StarCraft as any other nation is. You have players like YioSEn or Taiwan ToT)SEn( (picture) who have proved themselves in the past WCG's. Also players like Taiwan mYm.4Leaf is less known, but is still a good player and has been a rival to YioSEn, for quite some time.
None the less those two and 4 others will have their hands full against the rising ImpuLsive.Inc clan. The Brood War team is still very young, but they are learning that they cannot win everything and they are learning that they will need to play as a team to become a great clan. Brazil puLs.Reason (picture), Korea puLs.ZergStory, Sweden puLs.meRz, China puLs.wpm, and many others play huge roles in ImpuLsive.Inc's rise to stardom.

The two teams will do battle this Saturday, January 21st at 14:00 CET. They will play in six 1 on 1 matches and one 2 on 2 match. Thinking about betting one either side? Well go for it here!

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