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General13 years ago

Milkfat breaks Guinness World Record!


Sam 'Milkfat' Braithwaite has successfully broken the Guinness World Record for longest gaming marathon in a strategy (RTS/MOBA) game by playing Heroes of Newerth for a time totaling up to 54 hours and 21 minutes.

After subtracting time he took for breaks, it makes 52 hours and several seconds, making Milkfat the official world record holder (the previous record was 52 hours). Milkfat is, however, not satisfied yet and will try to top it by an entire day, setting his personal goal at 76 hours of continuous gameplay.

What is even more impressive is that he made it without sleeping during his breaks, although he was allowed to according to official Guinness World Records rules.

Of course, Milkfat didn't do this for his personal glory. The main goal is to raise money to a charity that is very dear to him, Doctors Without Borders, for which he's already raised over $2,500, only around a fourth of his total goal of $9,001.

Supporting him at the location (Howie's Game Shack LAN Center, Mission Viejo, California) are his friends and family, as well as S2 staff.

Tune in to the stream and please consider donating as all donations and the entire ad revenue from this event will go to Doctors Without Borders.

As Milkfat says: "Do it for the kids!"

Links - Milkfat's stream
Doctors Without Borders - Donation page