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8 years ago

Next hero Samuro Talents and Trailer revealed!

Art Director and Vocalist for the WoW band Elite Tauren Chieftain draws his alter-ego Samuro into the Nexus! Join us for a first look at the  art, talents and abilities of our new Blade-Dancing Orc Samuro!

Samuro goes to work!

If you missed the reveal video, you can watch the replay here. Lots of nice Hoard-centric theme music while drawing. The original art will be given out to one lucky participant.


Next hero Samuro Talents and Trailer revealed!

Samuro’s Kit

As soon as the drawing event ended, Samuro’s abilities went live. Let’s take a look!


Basic attacks against enemy Heroes increase your movement speed by 25% for 2 seconds.


Create 2 Mirror Images that deal 30% of your damage and have 50% of your current Health. Images last up to 18 seconds, and only two can be active at any one time.


Your next Basic Attack within 10 seconds will be a Critical Strike, dealing 50% increased damage. This also applies to Images, and does not break Wind Walk. Passive: You and your Images deal a Critical Strike on every 4th Basic Attack.


Enter Stealth for up to 8 seconds or until you attack, use an Ability, or take damage. While Stealthed, your Movement Speed is increased by 25% and you can pass through other units. Damage taken within the first 1 second will not break Wind Walk.



Become an Unstoppable whirlwind of death, dealing 285 damage per second to nearby enemies for 4 seconds.


Switch places with the target Mirror Image. Passive: You can control Mirror Images separately or as a group, and they deal an additional 15% of your damage.

You can find the original post here. 

Samuro’s Talents

Tier 1

  • Way of the Blade [W]
    • Critical Strike now happens every 3rd Basic Attack and deals an additional 25% of your Basic Attack damage.

  • Way of Illusion [Q]
    • Quest: Every time one of your Images Critically Strikes an hero, gain 0.5 Attack Damage, up to 20. Reward: After hitting 40 Heroes, gain an additional 20 Attack Damage.

  • Way of the Wind [E]
    • Quest: Attacking a Hero from Wind Walk increases the movement speed bonus of Wind Walk by 1.25%, up to 25%. Reward: After hitting 20 Heroes, the duration before Wind Walk can be broken by damage is increased to 2.5 seconds.

Level 4

  • Deflection 
    • While Advancing Strikes is active, you take 25% reduced damage from Hero Basic Attacks.
  • Mirage [Q]
    • Mirror Image grants you and your Images 2 charges of Spell Block, reducing the damage of the next enemy Ability against you by 50%. Can hold up to 2 charges.
  • One with the Wind [E]
    • While Stealthed by Wind Walk, you take 60% reduced damage from all sources.

Level 7

  • Crushing Blows [W]
    • Critical Strike now has two charges, and Critical Strikes deal an additional 25% of your Basic Attack damage.
  • Burning Blade [W]
    • Critical Strikes unleash a burst of flame, dealing an additional 65% of your Basic Attack damage to the target and nearby enemies.
  • Phantom Pain [W]
    • Critical Strikes deal an additional 40% of your Basic Attack damage for each Image you have active.

Level 10

  • Bladestorm
    • Become an Unstoppable whirlwind of death, dealing 260 damage per second to nearby enemies for 4 seconds.
  • Illusion Master
    • Switch places with the target Mirror Image. Passive: You can control Mirror Images separately or as a group, and they deal an additional 20% of your damage.

Level 13

  • Mirrored Steel [Q]
    • Basic Attacks against Heroes reduce the cooldown of Mirror Image by 1 second.
  • Kawarimi [E]
    • Wind Walk creates an Image at your location that will continue whatever you were doing.
  • Shukuchi [E]
    • Wind Walk teleports Samuro a short distance in the direction he's currently facing.

Level 16

  • Press the Attack 
    • While Advancing Strikes is active, Basic Attacks increases your attack speed by 15%, up to 60%.
  • Harsh Winds [E]
    • Attacking a Hero from Wind Walk causes them to take 30% increased damage from you and your Images for 3 seconds.
  • Merciless Strikes [W]
    • Basic Attacks against Slowed, Rooted, or Stunned targets are always Critical Strikes.

Level 20

  • Dance of Death 
    • Your Images use Bladestorm when you do.
  • Three Blade Style 
    • Your Images gain an additional 50% of your Health, and last up to 32 seconds.
  • Blademaster's Pursuit 
    • Advancing Strikes grants an additional 15% bonus Movement Speed, and its duration is increased by 2 seconds.
  • Wind Strider [E]
    • Wind Walk's cooldown is reduced by 6 seconds.


First reactions

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