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General10 years ago

Confirmed changes to Sylvanas' Posession Heroic

Community Manager Trikslyr posted on the official Blizzard forums of incoming changes to Sylvannas' Heroic ability, Possession.

In this forum post discussing Sylvanas' trait, an official statement was made about changes coming to Possession.

The post states that they are happy with Sylvannas' current win-rate ratio. Trickslyr goes on to confirm that Possession is the only thing being looked at for Sylvannas. So it looks like at this time, there are no other changes planned for Sylvannas' Wailing Arrow or passive trait, and no allusions of any nerfs either.

What this means:
Currently, Sylvannas is widely considered one of the best Heroes overall. Statistics show her as one of the top three most picked/banned Heroes in competitive or high ranked play. Despite that she is officially classified as a "Specialist", she can easily contend for most Hero damage done in a game as well. She is also one of the hardest ranged Heroes to gank due to having such a good escape option via her Haunting Wave. With a buff coming to her Possesion Heroic, assuming it will result in something worth picking over Wailing Arrow in certain situations, she will be even more popular and contested for than she already is.

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