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Hearthstone8 years ago

Hearthstone’s new expansion to be revealed on July 28th

According to an invitation published on Blizzpro last night, we’re a week away from seeing what the new Hearthstone expansion will contain.

The writing has been on the wall for some time now. At a special Fireside Gathering in California, the Blizzard dev team dropped the first hints that the new expansion is close, issuing invitations to a “most majestic, marvelous, magical event.”

And now, we have a date. Blizzard fansite BlizzPro received an email containing the exact time the new expansion will be revealed, which is 23:00 PDT on July 28th (or 08:00 CEST the next morning). According to BlizzPro, the event will be hosted at China’s digital expo China Joy, which would explain the unusual time.

Speculation, of course, is everywhere. An earlier hint published on Chinese boards indicated that the expansion – which is most likely to be an adventure as the release cycle of content suggests – will be named after a WoW raid whose translation in Chinese is written in three characters. As the community nailed down the different possibilities, the theme of Karazhan emerged as the most likely candidate, especially with the whole “magic” keyword being thrown around.

Either way, it’s not long before the mystery is unveiled.