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Hearthstone8 years ago

Here are the 32 players competing in Seat Story Cup V

A world class line-up of players will face off at the end of July this year.

More than half a year after the last iteration, TakeTV returns once more with one of the most popular tournaments in the scene: the SeatStory Cup. From July 21st to the 24th a total of 32 players will battle for the #1 spot and claim up to $10,000 of a $20,000 total prize pool. The event will begin at 2 PM CEST every day, and can be watched live on TakeTV's Twitch channel.

Here is the full line-up of players that are competing:



The line-up of players is arguably the strongest we've seen so far this year. Looking at HCT performances alone there already are: Ostkaka, reigning world champion; ThijsNL, reigning EU champion; Hotform, runner-up of the last World Championship; Purple, 2015 Americas Champion; Naiman, 2016 EU Winter champion; Firebat, former world champion and Nostam, runner-up of the Americas Winter Championship.

As if this isn't enough yet, Chakki and TerrenceM finished #1 and #2 respectively at DH Austin, Xixo recently took the StarLadder title and both AKAWonder and SuperJJ have had amazing years so far as well, and then you realise we haven't even mentioned more than half of the other players yet. All in all the event will surely deliver some high-quality matches and entertainment, so be sure to spend these summer days glued to your monitor!