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Hearthstone9 years ago

Decklist spotlight: The decks that won GosuCup SEA #1

Yes, that’s a Standard Secrets Paladin. And a Dragon Warrior. And an Aggro Pala.

The Southeast Asian region usually follows the established trends in the west, but this week it went crazy. How crazy? Secrets Paladin with [card]stand against darkness[/card] crazy.

The deck was brought by cup winner National23, who 3-0’d Hearthstone veteran Neilyo in the grand finals on Saturday to take his first big win. Why National23 chose Secrets Paladin over the more established N’Zoth build – or why did he play Dragon Warrior instead of regular Tempo or Control – we will never know, or at least not until we bring you the winner‘s interview later this week.

In fact, the only “normal” deckbuilder in this week’s top three was bronze finalist Wkyew. The Malaysian had a completely standard line-up of Tempo Warrior, Zoo and Midrange Shaman, because meta-defining decks are such for good reason.

In case you’re a player from the APAC region, make sure to take a pause from netdecking these awesome lists and register for GosuCup SEA #2, taking place this Saturday, June 4, at 13:00 SGT (07:00 CEST). The prize pool is $500 and 7 HCT points total.

1st place: Malaysia National23

Midrange Hunter
Dragon Warrior
Secrets Paladin

2nd place: Vietnam Neilyo

Midrange Hunter
Aggro Paladin
Aggro Shaman

3rd place: Malaysia Wkyew

Tempo Warrior
Midrange Shaman