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Hearthstone9 years ago

Decklist spotlight: What is NA's top GosuRanked player bringing to HCT Spring Prelims

David "Dog" Caero has prepared a full control lineup, hoping to outlast his opponents in this weekends Spring Preliminaries.

Liquid's Dog has long been on top of the North American GosuRankings. With a second place at Truesilver Championship in March and a 6-3 record at DreamHack Austin earlier this month, the former Complexity marquee is not too far away from climbing to #1, a position he's briefly held in the past.

Whether this will happen depends on Dog's performance this weekend as the HCT AM Spring Preliminaries begin. Dog has bet his tournament life on a slow, controling lineup with N'Zoth RenoLock, C'Thun Warrior, his signature Miracle Rogue and a very unusual double Old Gods Ramp Druid with [card]Y'Shaarj[/card] and [card]Yogg-Saron, Hope's End[/card].

The latter is certainly the deck most viewers will be interested about. Heavy remp Druids have been coming back into fashion, with Gaara and Ostkaka bringing them to the EU Spring Preliminaries.

Dog's Ramp is extremely top heavy, with eight minions costing seven or more mana. Besides the two Old Gods, Dog is running the mighty [card]Ysera[/card], [card]Cenarious[/card], [card]Ragnaros the Firelord[/card] and a single [card]North Sea Kraken[/card] for those late game swings or reach damage.

N'Zoth RenoLock
C'Thun Warrior
Miracle Rogue
Ramp Druid