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Hearthstone9 years ago

Asia teams up to prep China’s quartet for Blizzcon

Players from China and Korea will play a series of showmatches against LoveCX, NoTomorrow, Zoro and Zihao, prepping them for their HWC matches.

China found the four players that will represent it at Blizzcon rather early. In August, after a weekend-long offline tournament, LoveVC, NoTomorrow, Zoro and Zihao made it through, coming on top of one of the most competitive regions in Hearthstone.

With little to no international tournament experience, however, at least compared to pillars of the CN scene like Xieyu “TiddlerCelestial” Wang, the group of four will need some training and this is where Blizzard China is coming in. Between October 1-7, the quartet will spar against the best that China and Korea have to offer, preparing them for the biggest tournament of their careers.

A total of 28 showmatches will be played in that one week period with a small prize pool of $4,500 on the line, just as an extra incentive. The invited players to battle-test China’s representatives are:

China TiddlerCelestial
China ??????
China SleepyShaman
China Fuoliver
China NightWalk
China MagicWind
China Ruoji
China MieGod

Korea Taesang
Korea Palmblad
Korea Abelmo
Korea Kranich

With Taesang and Kranich also being potential competitors at the grand finals – provided they can survive the APAC regionals – this will be a good opportunity for Korea to also test its strength against China.
