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Hearthstone10 years ago

Card design contest: Design a tribal card, win Hearthstone goodies

Today, we're going full tribal. Get ready to design some slick beasts, demons, murlocs and the likes for a chance to win awesome Hearthstone loot. 

This month, we're tackling the minion types of Hearthstone. We're looking for you to design minions, weapons, spells - anything you want, really - which has something to do with one of the minion tribals available in the game.


1) The designed cards can be minions, spells and weapons. So no, no heroes!
2) The card must have a relation to one or more of the following minion types: Beast, Dragon, Murloc, Pirate, Demon, Totem or Mech
3) The card can either be a minion of that type (e.g. [card]River Crocolisk[/card], [card]Doomguard[/card]) ...
4) ... or synergyze with one or more of the tribals (e.g. [card]Houndmaster[/card], [card]Demonfire[/card], [card]Goblin Blastmage[/card]).
5) The card must be created as a transparent .png (no custom backgrounds, please) through any online HS card generator you prefer. 

Like the Hearthstone slogan says, it's deceptively simple to win a Hearthstone pillow, mug or keychain. All you need to do is:

How to participate in the contest?

It's extremely simple.

1) Use any card generator webpage to design a Hearthstone card
2) Send it to with the subject "Card design contest". The image must be sent as attachment!
3) ???
4) Profit!
5) The winner, runner-up and bronze medalist will win a Hearthstone pillow, mug and keychain, respectively