Ready your collection and netdeck hearty - tonight we dine on ladder... with Gfinity Spring II's decklists.
The competition at Gfinity Spring II in London is approaching the end of its second day. Upsets have already happened and SeatStory and Katowice champion Orange is already out of the tournament, but there's more firepower left in the event still. It also doesn't mean you shouldn't look at what Orange, or any other player for that matter, decided to bring to the UK brawl.
Here are decklists we have so far, to be updated constantly:
Airbrushed | BunnyMuffins | Faramir | Firebat |
Kroba | ibdutchboy | Lifecoach |
Movitz |
Orange |
Powder | Rdu |
Reynad |
Taeng2 | Zozus |
Front page photo: Gfinity