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19 years ago

WCG Korea results


The World Cyber Games preliminary for WarCraft III in Korea is coming to the final stage. Four players fought already for their spots in WCG Korea Final, the remaining four just played today.

Two spots for the Grand Final in Italy Monza, Italy this summer. Only two spots, but untold thousands of ambitious WarCraft III players in Korea Korea who fought for the spots. Four amateur players are already seeded for the Korean Grand Final, plus four progamers, who advanced to the final today. Let's who was able to get a spot in the WCG Korea Final.

Korea MYM]Moon< Korea 4K^Fov@ Turtle Rock
Korea MYM]Moon > Korea 4K^Fov @ Echo Isle
Korea MYM]Moon < Korea 4K^Fov @ Twisted Meadows

Korea MYM]Lucifer> Korea Lof.Way@ Turtle Rock
Korea MYM]Lucifer > Korea Lof.Way @ Echo Isle

Korea SK.Zacard< Korea Lof.HomeRunBall@ Turtle Rock
Korea SK.Zacard > Korea Lof.HomeRunBall @ Echo Isle
Korea SK.Zacard < Korea Lof.HomeRunBall @ Twisted Meadows

Korea NiP-GoStop> Korea NiP-NangChun@ Turtle Rock
Korea NiP-GoStop > Korea NiP-NangChun@ Echo Isle

After several games of playing the four professional gamers are determined and will face the four amateur player in the final stage to fight for the two tickets to the WCG Grand Finals in Monza, Italy. Four out of eight players are Undead, one Orc, two NightElves and one Human will be the races for the final in which the following players will take part :

MYM]Lucifer professional
NiP-GoStop professional
4K^Fov professional
Lof.HomeRunBall professional

WE.IGE.ReminD amateur
WE.IGE.SoJu amateur
Cherry-Destroyu amateur
MYM]Bera amateur

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