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Dota 29 years ago

TI5 prize pool breaches $16 million

Due to unbelievable support from the Dota community, The International 2015 prize pool has now reached a grand total of $16,000,000.

In a mere 72 days, the community has contributed a staggering grand total of $14,400,000 through purchases of International Compendiums and Collector’s Caches. This is a 900% increase from the base prize pool of $1,600,000 provided by Valve.

Yesterday saw a surge in prize pool contributions due to the long-awaited release of the Immortal Treasure Chest III. These new compendium exclusive chests encouraged the average fifty thousand to eighty thousand daily contributions to increase to a staggering two hundred thousand dollars in a single day.

While there are no more compendium goals for the community to unlock at this time, the Dota community has already ensured that this will be largest eSports event thus far. Only twenty three days remain before the sixteen teams begin their battle for over sixteen million dollars. 


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