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12 years ago

Titan picks up ex-Orange squad and Ice

Four of Orange former players and Ice has officially announced Titan as their new sponsor. They will be moving to their new gaming house in another state next month.

Titan, a new multigaming Esports organization on the block, has picked up the four members of the former Orange Esports team as well as former Zenith player Chee Cai 'Ice' Chua as their fifth. Chua is also the replacement of Yee Fung 'Mushi' Chai who left for team DK after their third place finish at The International 3.

The original news was hinted by Orange yesterday evening when they publicly announced the players leaving the team on their Facebook page. Orange claimed that Titan is paying the players more than twice the amount that they were getting from the chain LAN cafe store. From their Facebook post, Orange is clearly showing that they have lost their team, hinting financial issues as the main reason the players decided to leave.

"However, TI3 3rd placing and USD287k/5 prize money could not keep Mushi, Xtinct, Net, KyxY and Ohaiyo in the team. After Mushi left for DK, we are sad to announce the departure of Xtinct-Net-KyxY and Ohaiyo for a new sponsor – Team T*. We hope the new sponsor who promised to pay more than double of what we can afford and will support them till TI4," Orange posted.

All that aside, the Malaysian superstars are very excited to be joining Titan with Damien Grust as their CEO and owner, former Invasion-MUFC manager Chinyi 'Chenizace' Chen as their manager and David 'GoDz' Parker as their public relation manager. Joel Zhan Leong 'XtincT' Chan told GosuGamers that he is excited to be working with professionals and is looking forward to move to their new gaming house next month. Their gaming house is located in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, about four hours drive away from Kuala Lumpur and also an hour drive from Singapore.

Titan will be missing out on this season of ACE League and will have to compete in tournaments outside China. Titan players told us that they would like to go to Europe and North America to compete against Western teams during this downtime.

Titan will take Orange's spot in GMPGL qualifiers and main event as well as Orange's spot and standings in RGN League. The players will debut with their new tag at GEST The Challenge tomorrow evening.

Titan team roster:

Malaysia Joel Zhan Leong 'Xtinct' Chan (captain)
Malaysia Wai Pern 'Net' Lim
Malaysia Kang Yang 'kyxy' Lee
Malaysia Chong Xin 'Ohaiyo' Khoo
Malaysia Chee Cai 'Ice' Chua

GosuWiki: Titan

Why they chose Ice and their future with Titan