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General12 years ago

iG crowned champion of G-League

iG wins the G-League 2012 Season 2 against LGD.Int. LGD.Int took iG to four games but iG still prevailed holding on to their base barracks for 50 minutes before going in for the win.

iG has just been crowned champion G-League 2012 Season 2 as they took on LGD.Int and won in four games.

iG won a total of $32,000 in cash prize while LGD.Int bagged $8,000 with their heads held high.

This is the first time LGD.Int has met iG in an official tournament despite having to scrim and train with them on a daily basis.

G-League Season 2 2012
Invictus Gaming$32,000
LGD.Int$8,000 / TongFu$1,600

Game 1

Top: Lifestealer vs. Phantom Lancer, Nyx Assassin, Keeper of the Light
Mid: Night Stalker vs. Queen of Pain
Bot: Batrider, Crystal Maiden vs. Clockwerk
Jungle: Enchantress vs -

LGD.Int opts for the more European picks in the first game, choosing Lifestealer and Enchantress. iG trades the Lifestealer for a more split push and late game-oriented strategy with Keeper of the Light and Phantom Lancer. In the second pick phase, LGD.Int takes Crystal Maiden and Night Stalker while iG goes for Queen of Pain and Clockwerk.

LGD.Int starts out the game with a surprising solo Lifestealer by Pajkatt on the offlane against a combo trilane of Phantom Lancer, Nyx Assassin and Keeper of the Light. While the Phantom Lancer is doing fine on his own, the two supports stacked the neutrals and got some farm.

LGD.Int smokes very early in the game for an attempt to kill off the solo Queen of Pain but gets spotted as they walk up the tower. Queen of Pain blinks to safety.

LGD.Int rotates top to help the Lifestealer and moves back towards the middle lane and it down five minutes in.

LGD.Int starts grouping up and heads top to pick off Keeper of the Light for the First Blood and Nyx Assassin later on near iG's tower. Night Stalker dies from overconfidence, farming the enemy jungle.

After a few clumsy skirmishes by LGD.Int in the top lane, they group at bot and successfully wiped iG bar the Phantom Lancer who got a double kill. Batrider buys his Blink dagger at 14 minutes. The score is 6-6 at 15 minutes.

While LGD.Int was groups up at top, iG cleverly trads one of their towers for one of their enemy’s tower on the other side of the map to a split push by Phantom Lancer. Phantom Lancer now has a Diffusal Blade, Vitality Booster and Drums of Endurance by 20 minutes.

Clumsy fights after clumsy fights

The game goes into a stand-off which heavily favoures iG due to Keeper of the Light's ability to recall Phantom Lancer whenever he wants.

A big fight breaks out in the bottom lane in which the Batrider initiates too quickly and gets up and killed by Sonic Wave. Night Stalker and Lifestealer go down with him as the two supports flee.

By the 25th minute, LGD.Int already performed a couple of smoke ganks to which were too obvious as iG successfully retreated before their arrival. Phantom Lancer picks up the Heart of Tarrasque and Queen of Pain buys the Scythe of Vsye before the 29th minute.

The push comes from iG and they take down three of LGD.Int's towers without much of a fight. iG seize the opportunity to take down Roshan too. Phantom Lancer picked up the Aegis.

Another clumsy fight from LGD.Int breaks out in iG's forest right after the Roshan and LGD.Int ist once again out of position compared to the more coordinated iG.

LGD.Int called the gg shortly after.
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Game 2

Top: Lone Druid vs. Weaver
Mid: Magnus vs. Pugna
Bot: Lifestealer, Jakiro, Lion vs. Sven, Rubick, Keeper of the Light

In game two, LGD.Int sticks to their guns going for the early push strategy with Keeper of the Light, Pugna and Sven pick while iG had a much more balanced draft.

The offlane Lone Druid played by Zhou is getting a substantial amount of farm against the Weaver who poses no threat. Lone Druid (26) had double the creep kills of Weaver (12) by five minutes.

Surprisingly, a reinforcement from the Rubick on the top lane is detrimental to LGD.Int. Weaver gives away the First Blood to Lone Druid.

Things start heating up on the bot lane as many kills are being exchanged but as the smokes clears, LGD.Int comes out on top and they take the first tower of the game. However, iG still holds the gold advantage by about 2,000 gold at that point.

LGD.Int starts their four-man Dota plan in mid-game but is repelled in spectacular fashion by an Ice Path catching three heroes. Four of LGD.Int’s heroes go down. iG take down the tier one tower at top and chip away at the tier two tower before they back off.

Four-man Reverse Polarity feat. Ferarri_430

LGD.Int strategy starts to fall apart as they lose another in mid-game to a beautiful Reverse Polarity catching four heroes. The gold advantage is up to 6,000 gold now.

The game turns into a stand-off in mid-game with both teams not attempting to go at each other. LGD.Int try to get to Roshna several times but are easily spotted by the river ward.

iG go into the Rosh pit with their chokepoint fight advantage and take down Roshan without a challenge from LGD.Int.

iG slowly build their advantage to a 14,000 gold lead and pushed towards mid. Ferrari strikes another Reverse Polarity on four heroes - game over.
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Game 3

Top: Weaver vs. Lifestealer, Shadow Shaman.
Mid: Beastmaster vs. Puck
Bot: Lycanthrope, Rubick vs. Lone Druid
Jungle: Enchantress vs. -

Despite losing their previous game with Weaver, LGD.Int has too much faith on the hero and end up picking the ant on their second pick. At the same time, iG will be using the Lifestealer and Lone Druid once again with a slight variation of Chen, Puck, and Shadow Shaman in the mix.

LGD.Int is going for the all-or-nothing strat last picking Lycanthrope and put him on the safe lane with Rubick and Enchantress guarding him.

The game is in favour of LGD.Int right off the bat as the Enchantress was able to snipe off the courier with Puck's Bottle inside it. That is an extra 150 gold for all the players on their side plus delaying the mid bottle.

Weaver on the other hand, is having a horrible time on the offlane getting constantly harrassed by the Shadow Shaman. The First Blood go to Chen as Weaver ran out of mana for Shukuchi escaping from Shadow Shaman and Lifestealer.

Eight minutes into the game, LGD.Int go for their trademark group up on the top lane but iG's reinforcement is there to repel the attack. Lycanthrope escapes on 15 hp. By 11 minutes, the Lycanthrope pick truly shines on LGD.Int as they succesfully destroyed four towers. iG is quickly losing map control and smoke gank with success to make sure it is not totally lost.

iG place a total of three Sentry Wards in their own jungle to remove any sort of vision LGD.Int has. LGD.Int is up to a 3,500 gold lead although iG manage to maintain their 2,000 experience lead.

After a bad engagement in iG's jungle, LGD.Int seems to have stumble from their big lead earlier in the game due to bad decisions to split up. iG walks into the Rosh pit at 18 minutes and a big fight breaks out at the doors resulting in two of LGD.Int heroes going down and only one casualty from the iG side. iG proceed to kill Roshan and Lone Druid takes the Aegis.

iG win engagements bit by bit throughout mid-game, utilizing the Puck Bomb (Infested Naix in Puck) to its full potential. With more of LGD.Int towers going down, iG manages to regain some of the map control back and is now on the offense. They take down the Roshan without any contest.

Just as things start to look brighter for iG, Lycanthrope manages to farm up an Assault Curraiss and LGD.Int's heroes are too tanky for iG to handle, even with the Aegis. LGD.Int goes for the triple rax to seal the game.
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Game 4

Top: Batrider vs. Lone Druid
Mid: Night Stalker vs. Nyx Assassin
Bot: Phantom Lancer, Keeper of the Light, Sand King vs. Juggernaut, Rubick, Shadow Demon

LGD.Int again goes for all-or-nothing picking up the Juggernaut on the third pick while iG goes what made them successful the first game, the Keeper of the Light and Phantom Lancer split push strat.

On the bot lane, it is an exciting tri vs tri with iG having the slight advantage from the kick-off with Keeper of the Light spamming his Illuminate from the side. Overconfident Lone Druid on the safe lane gets killed and spilled the First Blood to a solo Batrider after walking way past his tower to farm.

Eight minutes into the game, LGD.Int has got the upperhand on the gold graph by out hitting iG and also taking down a tier-one tower. Come daytime, iG mounts for a push in the mid lane taking down three heroes with them.

LGD.Int starts another fight on the bottom lane and iG once again falls trying to defend their tower although the Chinese eventually return to the battlefield to pick off some kills. With the advantage on their favour, LGD.Int goes for Roshan but iG was too late to respond. Aegis goes to Lone Druid.

LGD.Int keeps the pressure up by pushing into the tier-two towers as iG loses more and more map vision.

LGD.Int smoke flank. iG style

The stand-off continues in game three for the next five minutes till the Roshan is back up. LGD.Int kills Roshan once again as iG sits back defending their base. Aegis to Lone Druid.

The Dire mounts a push for the game on the base tower but is successfully stopped with just one buyback from the Batrider. All of LGD.Int die in the fight except for the Juggernaut who manage to teleport away on 150hp. This is the comeback for iG.

iG takes the advantage and starts a fight resulting in the death of Shadow Demon and Nyx Assassin. LGD.Int recovers from the fight with a third Roshan kill as the game falls into another stand-off. iG now has 7,500 experience advantage over LGD.Int, 41 minutes into the game.

Illusion wars begin as LGD.Int persist on pushing into the base through the bottom lane but it is not easy for them to push into Phantom Lancer and Keeper of the Light. LGD.Int's Aegis expires before they are able to push into iG's base. For the first time in 30 minutes, iG has regained map control and is now farming outside their base.

iG is quickly put in place as LGD.Int smoke flanked them to force the buybacks from Phantom Lancer. LGD.Int snipes off Roshan with iG losing their focus and takes the second Cheese. The Cheese is given to Nyx Assassin. LGD.Int tries to push into iG's base again but once again, they cannot.

iG takes down their first Roshan 66 minutes into the game as the tide of the game has changed to favour iG more. Phantom Lancer chips down the top base tower of LGD.Int while his teammates pressure the mid lane. Slowly but steadily, iG picks off to force the buyback as the Phantom Lancer continues chipping down the barracks.

At 73 minutes, TobiWan goes berserk when Phantom Lancer buys another heart to make his illusions tanky. He successfully chips down the barracks but lost his teammates as Juggernaut engages onto the rest of the team.

All hell broke loose as both teams lost both their top and middle barracks but the stand-off continues for iG and LGD.Int. iG takes Roshan again and pushes in for the game and the tournament.
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Illusion wars!

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