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General12 years ago

Funn1k left Team Empire

As some people predicted, there were going to be roster changes amongst CIS Dota 2 teams. The first one came early this morning as Funn1k left Team Empire.

According to Team Empire's manager Sergey 'Anahronix' Bykovskiy, Gleb 'Funn1k' Lipatnikov has officially left their Dota 2 squad. He announced it at 1am CET this morning, said thanks to everyone and left Team Empire Skype group.

The following is said by Anahronix after the departure:

Even though this news was shocking for us and the reasons are known only to Gleb, we still respect the decision. The loss of such a strong and experienced player in the middle of many leagues and tournaments can do some damage to the team. Also, this unexpected decision shocked me personally. But...

In spite of it, Gleb did a gigantic job in improving teamplay and promotion for Team Empire. Our organization would like to thank Funn1k for all he has done for us and understands his decision. We wish him good luck in finding a new team, which, as you understand, he found already. Team Empire doesn't have any claims to the player.

Information about the substitution will come soon. Follow the news at

Funn1k became a part of Team Empire as he joined the team together with Goblak after The International 2. Since then he improved a lot skill-wise and became famous for his great Wisp, Batrider, Dark Seer and of course Clinkz plays.

The timing for this announcement aswell suggests that it is likely that Funn1k might be joining Na`Vi. Whether that's true or not will have to wait another hour as ZeroGravity just tweeted that a statement from his organisation Natus Vincere will be given one hour from now.

Current Team Empire Dota 2 roster:

Ukraine Artur 'Goblak' Kostenko
Russia Vladislav 'blowyourbrain' Morozyuk
Russia Roman 'Scandal' Sadotenkov
Russia Airat 'Silent' Gaziev

Source: Team Empire official site