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General11 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Orange walks away with third place and $6,000 at The Asia

The Malaysian crowd went wild when their home team took out Trust in a tight battle of the carries - Leshrac and Luna. Orange will now walk away with a consolation prize purse of $6,000. The best of three grand finals between LGD and MUFC will be played next.

Malaysia OrangeThailand Trust
rubick dragon knight enigma

leshrac dark seer
night stalker luna vengeful spirit

kotl bounty hunter

Good rotation by Trust early on gave Bounty Hunter a first blood on Enigma in the woods but apart from the first five minutes, there were hardly any kills with both teams responding efficiently to ganks with Teleport scrolls. It was a quiet game during the first two night phases, apart from tiny pickoffs for Night Stalker. It was 9-8 at 35 minutes with an Aegis on Luna.

Luna was getting increasingly stacked as both teams still opted to farm until the second Roshan, which was heavily contested but eventually fell to Trust with a smoke.

Orange only started turning around when Dire started pushing for mid barracks and constantly got caught out. The early death of Vengeful Spirit in a couple of teamfights gave Enigma free reign with his Black Holes after purchasing his Black King Bar.

After two lanes of barracks fell for Trust, they opted for a desperate push into mid lane, but got picked off once more and finally called the GG, giving Orange the third place grand prize.

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