The West qualifiers culminated in what was a relatively tepid affair, as both teams seek to achieve victory with as little risks as possible. mTw came out tops in this 5 game series.
In the first game mTw rode on the back enchantress to take 2 early towers and several kills from NEXT.kz. Within 10 minutes a 7500 gold lead was established and the road looked tough for the Kazakhs. By the 18th minute that has extended to become 13000 gold and Queen of Pain has secured her Guinsoo. mTw follows to take a methodical win, marching patiently into NEXT.kz's base and avoiding mistakes. NEXT.kz calls gg at 25 minutes and so the next game begins.
With their first pick, NEXT.kz grabs enchant to secure the early game advantage that mTw had last game. Wanting to avoid unnecessary deaths, mTw leave the bottom lane empty for a freefarm on NEXT.kz's morph. Until the end of the game mTw tried to avoid fights but failed, as NEXT.kz had the better late game team. syndereN calls gg at 36 minutes.
In the third game, mTw unleashes Stealth Assassin and Tormented Soul against NEXT.kz's third Morph in three games. With superior decision making and teamwork, mTw take the series 2-1 in a game that mostly went their way.
Finally, mTw wrapped up the series in another steady performance. NEXT.kz's Anti Mage was kept away from his battle fury for quite some time, and the Kazakhs were forced to defend the base as mTw slowly chipped their way inside with the early advantage.