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General13 years ago

NDA on DotA2 is Lifted

In an unexpected move today, IceFrog and Valve have removed the NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) that was placed on all participants who have been given a beta key and access to the DotA2 closed beta.

What does this mean for you? It means that people with access to the closed beta can do whatever they want with the DotA2 content. You will be seeing things like DotA2 live streams, shoutcasts, video editing (movies) and so on.

Statement from IceFrog:

Our original plan was to spend the next year or so in beta, adding new features and slowly growing the number of heroes until we reached a level of parity with Dota 1, at which point we’d release Dota 2 to the world.

Welcome to the new plan: We’re going to take the current version of Dota 2, which has The International set of heroes, and get it out there as fast as we can. There’ll be no restrictions on what players can do with it – they can release screenshots, make movies, shoutcast matches, write guides, publicly make fun of our HUD, or anything else their hearts desire.

If you're still not in on the DotA 2 closed beta, try your luck at winning a beta key from our Techies CS Challenge by clicking here, winning the DotA Talk Logo Design Challenge by clicking here or lastly by winning a beta key here by posting on the facebook page.

More chances to win a key by Gosugamers will be announced soon.

DotA2 Blog - IceFrog
Gosugamers - Beta-Key challenge