Money hack, disc hack, freeze hack, spoof hack, multikey hack, nidus hack, mojo map hack etc.. it does not stop! Time for a new patch Blizzard.
Brood War is looking like in the last days of Diablo I, a hack tool show room and cheater fest. How much longer Blizzard? Want to say thank you to your true fans, you core fans, us Starcraft gamers? Don't give us Blizzcon, just give us fair play and a decent ladder. We are easy to please. We do not even ask for Starcraft 2, just keep the our game clean! Give us just what the game box promised. A fair online experience with a competitive ladder. Keep in order and yes, it is time for another patch.
The last series of latest patches have put a dent in the hack making community, frustrating them a little more. Now faced with increasing difficulty to make new hacks, and still having a never ending desire to appease their ego's and find ways to ruin the game, many of them have simply started releasing their "private" hacks. Many of the new hacks are actually old private hacks they have had for years secret for their personal use, but now they are running out of things to show. So in a way the series of latest patches back fired on us. Nevertheless there is a simple solution: another patch! The Starcraft code is like Swizz cheese for hack makers, so dynamic anti-hacking is the only way for a game as old as Starcraft. It simply was not designed with serious anti-hacking in mind.
It is getting so bad that even me, with my never ending well of Starcraft passion, after playing a few public melee games at I end up wanting to break my dam SC disc into a zillion pieces. You can argue that there is always PGTour or WGTour, and I will answer yes! We should all be very greatful that there are a few playable ladders left but that leaves out the vast majority of gamers who do not even know of their existence. These ladders do not solve the problem. Imagine your a young kid that just started playing today, with no clue about anything, no clue about, PGTour, WCG or even where South Korea is, and you went to, how long would you keep playing?
No new players you say? The average age at Blizzcon in the Starcraft tournament was fourteen, most noobs except for Colbi and a few others that stuck out like a sore thumbs and scared the crap out of the younger generation. There were even a few 12 year olds. If the pool of new players die, our game dies. If you can't play a decent game at without losing to obvious hacks, the game dies. This is exactly how Diablo 1 died, long before there ever was a Diablo 2.
You may argue, why do you bother Entropy? Blizzard does not listen!! I will answer this.
They will listen, we just need to cry a little! Blizzard it is time for another patch! And yes, last POTW needed to be changed, courtesy of Ryan Sather, a Starcraft fan whom I think we all have shared his feelings.
Based on my much longer rant Exploding discs @ Starfire Blogs
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