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StarCraft19 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Replays.Net Open Tournament


The qualifying tournament for the Replays.Net 32 Warrior Blood War Tournament finished up yesterday. A total of 64 players competed in this open tournament to see who would qualify to play in the main prize tournament.

Three Hundred ($300) United States Dollars will be at stake when the final tournament starts. So this qualifying tournament is defiantly something special and is worth that extra effort.

The tournament ran all day with hopes of finding out which three players would go into the Replays.Net 32 Warrior Blood War Tournament. 8 players made it to the quarter finals and they were much closer than the other 56 players who all had their chance but lost it. Canada XiaOzI[pG], Sweden iG.KaaZ, Mexico LG)sTrAtO, Poland Play.MysticJoey, Norway mYm.StinGeR, Bulgaria uT)Fenix, Ukraine MgZ)Strelok, and Sweden uT)DeWa all made it to this round.

Winner's Quarter Finals
Canada XiaOzI[pG]<Sweden iG.KaaZ0-2
Mexico LG)sTrAtO<Poland Play.MysticJoey0-2
Norway mYm.StinGeR<Bulgaria uT)FenixCoin Flip**
Ukraine MgZ)Strelok>Sweden uT)DeWa2-0

**These two players had routers that could not be turned off. Admins and Players tried just about everything. uT)Fenix won by a coin flip.

Loser's Bracket
Mexico LG)sTrAtO<Canada XiaOzI[pG]0-1
Bulgaria mYm.ENJoy<Norway mYm.StinGeR0-1

Winner's Semi Finals
Sweden iG.KaaZ<Poland Play.MysticJoey1-2
Bulgaria uT)Fenix<Ukraine MgZ)Strelok0-2

Loser's Bracket
Bulgaria uT)Fenix<Canada XiaOzI[pG]0-1
Sweden iG.KaaZ>Norway mYm.StinGeR1-0

Winner's Finals
Poland Play.MysticJoey<Ukraine MgZ)Strelok1-3

Loser's Bracket
Canada XiaOzI[pG]>Sweden iG.KaaZ 2-0

Ukraine MgZ)Strelok pulled out a victory against a strong foe. This win got him a seat in the Replays.Net Tournament, and a 1-0 start over who ever won the Loser's Bracket.

Canada XiaOzI[pG] would take the Loser's Bracket after defeating Peru iG.naranjitO, Mexico LG)sTrAtO, Bulgaria uT)Fenix and Sweden iG.KaaZ. This is where he met Poland Play.MysticJoey in the Loser's Finals. These games have not yet been played but will be a best of 5 series after which the winner will face off against Ukraine MgZ)Strelok in a best of 5 series finals.

Ukraine MgZ)Strelok, Canada XiaOzI[pG], and Poland Play.MysticJoey will all go to the Replays.Net 32 Warrior Blood War Tournament coming up soon. Sweden iG.KaaZ is the backup in case any of the three happen to miss the tournament.

The finals will be played this Saturday, so good luck to all three of those gamers!

WGTour.Com - Tournament Draw
WGTour.Com - Replay Pack

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