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Overwatch4 years agoNestor "jhoves" Abuluyan Jr.

Performance drop in comp?

Idk if anyone else experiences this but seems like when I warm up in qp I'm rockin it, pulling clutch rezzes, working cover and solid positioning, calling out focus targets and assisting cleanup on picks, everything 'working as intended'.

And then the second I queue up comp all that just goes out to lunch. Like, dropped in the first minute of the team fight, consistently hunted down by dps, never able to put in the heals fast enough to save my tanks, struggling not to get tilted level shitshow.

Are the lineups in qp running team play better, or worse? Are the comp matches just more competent and focusing supports more consistently? Anybody else feeling like they're just performing better when sr isn't on the line? Feel like I'm trolling myself here

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