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General13 years ago

Be part of the $2,500 Winner-Take-All ROCCAT DotA GosuCup #4

After a hiatus of almost five months, GosuGamers is glad to report back with another DotA tournament. Yet again, German gaming equipment manufacturer ROCCAT agreed to mobilize the prize money for this event, a fortunate circumstance for which we would like to thank the group wholeheartedly. The organization of the cup will entirely happen on

In comparison to the previous GosuCup that only allowed European and American teams to participate, GosuCup #4 will include South-East Asia. Everybody may sign and play in one of the eight region-specific qualifiers a 64 teams, from which four are accounted to Europe, two for America and two for South-East Asia. The semi finalists from each qualifier reach a best of one held groupstage, that will span 32 teams in eight divisions. Concluding the tournament will be single elimination play-offs in best of three format.

The invitation system, as well as the preferred registration model from the last GosuCup got removed, which means that all teams have to pass a qualifier, in order to reach the groupstage.

Region-specific default venues for the tournament have been set up at the Ranked Gaming Client (RGC), a big supporter of this event. Find out how to use the popular DotA platform by reading the official RGC tutorials.

Follow these steps to sign up for the tournament
1. Before you start, make sure you have a GosuGamers account, and look up which Email address you registered with us. If you forgot it, go to 8ef28e679cd6ab2f9ca981f9945742e5fe239b1cfa4940c6cd8a487b12.png Settings at the top user-bar and check back under the sub-tab 'My Profile'.

2. Head over to and log in with your account.

3. Hit 83bf236e3d60f6cf71948dac650ab7323246ba7fdb6f72a7d2a422c652.png My profile in the top header and add your game accounts on the game and server.

4. Only for team members, not the team captain: After your team manager or captain created the team and invited you, you will receive an Email on the address, that you registered with at GosuGamers. Accept the invitation, in order to get added as a team member4. For team captains: Go to
4deb80501dd6ba9dd26cb7d54cc8a6d20a03c9c86f15edc632a44ad552.png My Teams and create a new team. The platform recognizes the GosuGamers accounts of your team members automatically, once you start typing their account names in the search function. Members can freely be removed and added at any time.

5. For team captains: Go to the tournament page to find the ROCCAT GosuCup #4 event and register for the qualifier of your choice, after picking five players of your choice. Selected team members have to confirm their deployment.

6. Check the schedule to make sure you do not miss the check-in period. For this specific tournament, checking in is possible 180 minutes prior to the qualifier-start, at earliest.

Throughout a qualifier will be your place to check the standings and update results.

Of course, the tournament will experience first-hand coverage including live-streams, gosubets and replays right after the matches. Starting next weekend on the 10th and 11th of September will be the first two qualifiers:

dota-icon.png Europe EU Qualifier #1

Platform: Ranked Gaming Client
Venue: GosuCup.EU

Date: Saturday, September 10
Time: 18:00 CET
Check-in: 15:00 CET

Player cap: 64
Format: Single Elimination
Qualifying: Top 4
dota-icon.png Other NA/SA Qualifier #1

Platform: Ranked Gaming Client
Venue: GosuCup.SA

Date: Sunday, September 11
Time: 19:00 EST
Check-in: 16:00 EST

Player cap: 64
Format: Single Elimination
Qualifying: Top 4

The GosuCup administration is available for support requests most of the time. The online crew panel in the GosuGamers home section informs, which members of the DotA event team are online.

GosuGamers - ROCCAT GosuCup #4 Calendar
GosuGamers - ROCCAT GosuCup #4 Rules - Download RGC