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General14 years ago

CCM takes home another gold

China brings home another gold after CCM took down Scythe-Gaming in iCity Pro DotA Tournament with a 2-0 score.

With CCM's win at this recent tournament marks China's fourth gold medal taken from Malaysian soil. The first one was when EHOME won SMM back in 2008, second one was SMM 2009 as well but won by LGD.sGty, third would be last year's SMM whereby EHOME took back the crown.

CCM's road to success was not an easy one having to take on some really formidable opponents. They had to play Aeon who chose to employ an unorthodox pushing strategy by picking Goblin Techies in our five hero line up. After that, they took down IGS with ease.

Right before the finals, CCM had to play their countrymen, LGD.sGty but they showed that they are a force to be reckon with by dispatching them with 30 minutes. CCM was set to meet Scythe-Gaming who have shown great teamwork throughout the tournament.

Just like CCM, Scythe had to take down one of their country representative, The Last Judgement, in the top 8 brackets. In the Semi-Finals we see a repeat of the ADC Grand Finals, Scythe taking on Team MY which consists of the ex-Nirvana.MY players. We not only witness a repeat of match up but also a repeat of results.

The Grand Finals between China and Scythe promises to be a classic rivalry between the two country's DotA team. In game one, CCM easily took down Scythe with their Weaver + Ancient Aparation combo. Game two we saw a closer game between the two teams, but CCM managed to best the Singaporean team once again.

Final Standings
FirstChina CCMRM15,000 (~3,400 Euro)
SecondSingapore Scythe.SGRM4,000 (~940 Euro)
ThirdChina LGD.sGtyRM2,000 (~470 Euro)
FourthMalaysia Team MYRM1,000 (~230 Euro)