- Heartbreak
The news that came as a shock to all the teams preparing to participate, has caused an outrage in the Brazilian community. ESWC is a event that promises to bring the best of the globe together for the ultimate showdown. The Brazilian community - rightfully so - felt that this was their opportunity to show the world their way to play the game. The news has made the community and the players skeptical about the future of DotA in Brazil.
- Its not over yet!
The community has decided to file a petition to force a review of this decision. Its time to unite and make our presence felt, ESWC would not be complete without some Brazilian touch.
After the ESWC disappointment many are considering WCG as the last hope for DotA in Brazil. Hordes of e-mails are being sent to WCG administration to encourage the selection of Dota in the official game pool.
- How to?
To sign in on the petition follow these steps:
1) Follow this LINK. Reminder: The link leads to a page in Portuguese.
2) Click on "Assine este abaixo-assinado."
3) Enter name and last name in "Nome e Sobrenome."
4) Enter your E-mail
5) Enter your birthday in "Data de Nascimento (dd/mm/aaaa)".
6) Finally scroll down and click on the link "Assinar."
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