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General15 years ago

Hyhy interviewed

After splitting up from Kingsurf, the Asian team from Razer.CGC managed to win every game in the ADC 09, beating the last year's winner StarsBoba in an interesting Bo3. Sn4k3y from GosuGamers caught up with the leader of the team, Hyhy and asked him about practicing, turtling and upcoming tournaments


Hello there Hyhy welcome to GosuGamers, please introduce yourself and your team.

Hyhy: Hi, I’m Benedict Lim Hanyong aka Hyhy. Hy are my initials and I’m 19 years old this year, currently studying right now I’m playing for Razer.CGC (ex-kingsurf) consisting of tofu , iceiceice, papaxiong and crispy roy a funny fact that is everyone in the team is 19!

Please describe each of your fellow teammate’s roles in game and out, in a sentence or two.

tofu: mainly the supports, and farmer when needed. fat fag
iceiceice: main carry, can’t play anything else. tall n sexy
crispyroy: 2nd supporter, 2nd ganger, farmers occasionally. Mafia crew
papaxiong : icex3's best partner, given the babysit heroes for icex3 he seriously needs. Cute
hy : top player. handsome

Most of the players in your team can play carry roles and are good farmers, we saw roy playing Morphling as well as Maiden, how does your team cooperate in such situations?

Hyhy: Different players playing different roles. We simply assign the best heroes for each player every game, since all players are flexible, it’s easy mixing around. Then again you won’t see iceiceice playing anything but carry heroes, because he can’t; and yea there’s mixed commanding in the team, depending on whoever is playing the farmer, he'll usually control the game flow and yea I guess that requires mutual trust.

We all know Eryc, not only managing your team but also the Europe Razer.Int. What efforts has he put behind the success of your team?

Hyhy: Well like every other manager he handles the paychecks and registrations of the larger based tourneys including overseas travelling and bookings etc.
What makes him different imo would be his true passion for the game as well one would find him playing DotA with us very often and perhaps because of that passion he never fails to be there every time we need him, giving the kind of moral, support and drive a gamer needs.
<3 eryc

What do you think about the current map and the items? Do you think the items like pipe, heart and phase boots are imbalanced? If so why?

Hyhy: Judging by our performance, the current map is probably our best map so far. None of the new items are imbalanced imo. There are counters to every item, you can't claim imbalance.
For example to counter pipe you simply draft a lineup with decent damage output in the lategame. So, you don’t lose and whine when your full AOE drafts get owned. It’s basically just drafting smart, having different fields of heroes in your lineup so items don't counter you.
Yet, of course AOE is needed in every game it’s about having the right mix of all. Yea, decent damage output as in physical DPS.

What do you think about ADC 09? How has your experience in this tournament been so far?

Hyhy: I think every top team in Asia loves ADC. You get another shot at playing for your country on an Inter-Asia scale, similar to the WCG Asian championships annually. However, I would say the qualifiers for ADC are better organized with proper double eliminations and brackets, probably to ensure the best team emerges as the winner. That’s possible mainly because it’s an online tournament with a bigger time span and as for the ADC tournament itself the games format is also bo3. Again, unlike WCG Asia which is b01.
Overall, I would say the ADC provides a better judgment for the Asian DotA scene performance.

Razer.CGC has been very successful recently in almost all the matches of ADC. How did u guys feel after beating the ADC ‘08 and ACG ‘09 champs StarsBoba? Were you guys tensed before the game? And what do you think is the reason behind your victory/success so far?

Hyhy: No, we were pretty confident on beating them before the game. It only got a bit nervy after we lost the first game. Though, we concluded that we only lost the game because of lag. And so we requested for a hostchange. After which I guess the reason for our success is mainly every player's individual skill and chemistry we have, not to mention the 5 to 8 hours of training we have daily leaving only weekends for our own activities.

How would you compare the gaming style of European DotA to the Asian DotA and do you think that Asian DotA is greater than European DotA? If you think so give some reasons.

Hyhy: Hmm, to be honest my first impression of European DotA:
Individual skills = 5/10
Teamplay = 10/10
That kind of relates to the flexibility which Asians teams have I think. Most top Asian teams can play farming (turtling as they call it), ganking or pushing strats and from what I've seen from Euro-replays by far the teams mostly stick to one type of drafting and play.
So, it’s quite predictable actually to fight against them and since DotA imo is whoever counters better wins the game, the very predictable and single styled play style of Euros will probably get countered when they play the top Asian teams, going by my theory of DotA that is.

So, will Razer.CGC travel to some LANs in the near future?

Hyhy: Yes, we are attending the ESTC in Bangkok, Thailand. Then we are going to attend SMM in Malaysia. Razer.CGC won’t be attending OSPL in Kazakhstan but I will with team Axis.

Now let’s start with a few short questions and 1 word answers.

Fav player: hy
Fav team: Razer.CGC
3 Fav heroes: SF Sandking Enigma
3 Fav items: tp bottle dagger
Fav food: Maelk
Fav drink: Coke
Love: huayan_
Whos the best: don’t even ask that question man

Anything you would like to say to your fans? Any last words or shoutouts?

We love Eryc.
That’s all, thanks guys.

Thanks you for your time and your interview.

Hyhy: Thanks

Razer.CGC Roster:

Singapore Razer.hyhy

Singapore Razer.Roy
Singapore Razer.ToFu
Malaysia Razer.papaxiong

Malaysia Razer.eryc