GosuGamers is constantly updated by the Engineering team. Here's a summary of the public changes of June.
Finished the Suggest GosuBet feature
Fixed a bug in the comment section where comments would not show up.
Added a points decay system to the Gosu Gamers database
New module: GosuShop
Fixed and finished the RSS feed
Added "Previous encounters" to GosuBet matches
Reworked design of the bar above the main navigation menu, moved clock and limited to one row of information bars.
Added option to reset GosuBet to 50 minerals at any time, regardless if a user has open bets.
Fixed a bug in GosuBet where resetting could change the percentages before a match was finished.
Corrected a bug in the statistics of the active visitors.
Fixed several security related bugs.
Updated the topbanner of the StarCraft section.
Updated design and content of the "Contact us" section.
Fixed a minor forum design bug.
Added statistical information for the GosuBet seasons.
Added gzip compression for images and thereby reduced total weight of site.
Fixed a bug that prevented WarCraft III replays from being uploaded correctly.
Added fading ajax script for rating, settings and GosuBet log on profiles.
Improved the check for new PMs, guestbook posts and GosuBet updates in the left menu. The system will now automatically check every 30th second whether any new items have come in and in that case change the looks of the button.
Added e-mail spam protection on profiles. ("at" instead of @, etc)
Fixed a javascript bug on the frontpage.
Added a system for caching comments in order to reduce load time for comment sections.
PromotedhAxel to Templar (team leader) for the Engineering team.
Changed name from "Site development team" to Engineering team.
Please note that more updates have been made after June. However, these will be presented in the end of July. We hope you will enjoy these new updates and please post below if you have any comments or questions regarding these specific updates.
For tips and suggestions to the Engineering team, please use » this formula (bottom of the page).