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19 years ago

Up and Coming: Zerg


The time is here again for a GosuGamers Tournament. This time it's also a 16man invite tournament but not exactly like The Ace. The concept this time is high skill, but not the highest profile in the BroodWar community.


This time we have deliberately avoided inviting players who are really well known in the community to try and allow someone else their time in the spotlight, and hopefully discover a star in the progress. The tournament will be played on Saturday 15th at 18:00 CET and will be best of 3 single elimination with a best of 5 final.

We've previously introduced the Terran and Protoss players, plus 1 racepicker. The final few are the Zerg, and here they are:

Poland mRv.Hullah

d3c0e789fd18ae4dc0219c453bbad5094864ac0e56d2e0b9a59dfbdab7Lets start with name, age and location
Krzysztof Sazon, 20, Zary/Poland

So I saw you did really well in the ToT tournament. How are you expecting to do further in that tournament?
Yes, I didn't really expect, that I would win with so many great players. Now, after losing to SEn I will play with Testie/Mondragon and later, if I manage to win with the winner from this pair, A2/Ex/White-Ra. It will be very hard.

And in this tournament on saturday?
I look forward to playing in this tournament, because there are many very good and maybe not well-known invited players. I think that each of them can win, and each will do his best to show himself from the best side.

That was the idea . Anyways, what's your best/favorite matchup?
I think that it is ZvZ, because I like it very much, since I have started to play StarCraft

ZvZ? That's unusual. Who do you usually like to practice/play with?
Hm, this is very hard question, because nowadays I practice only on op tot) and I have such a luck, that I play only with p or t users In the past I used to play with my old teammate SF)Odyn.

Your opponent in round 1 is Australia ExistenT, have you ever played with him?
No, I haven't played with him yet. I saw him winning some matches in GosuBet so I suppose, that he is very good and he has nice pvz

I guess that's it. Anything else you want to say?
Thx and greetings for all friends and readers.

United States rS.Vanilla
69a8f87f9fda84762b253af9ac440563d11984227751e834cb8277ae3bOk, lets start out with the usual name, age, and location please?
Anthony Sanchez, 15, Oregon,USA

What do you think about this tournament? Were you surprised to have been invited?
The tournament sounds like it will be fun & interesting. Yes, I was suprised to be invited to this event.

Recently, you were casted on WGT Radio during the first week of WGTCL against DkH.muh. What did you think of your opponent? Did you enjoy having your match shoutcasted?
DkH.Muh is a very good protoss user, and yes I enjoyed having our matchs shoutcasted.

There are many other skilled zerg users in this tournament including mRv.Hullah, HeRoS)OctZerg, uG-ALF-vc, and your current teammate rS.LzGaMeR. Have you practiced with any of these players before? Any opinions about them?
I haven't practiced with anyone of those zerg players really, except I played HeRoS)OctZerg once before

Your opponent in round 1 is 3D.Demich. He mentioned in his interview that he has played you once before and he won. Do you remember this game well? If so, how did it go? What do you think your chances are against him now?
I don't remember playing this guy, but I guess we both have equal chance in this match.

Thanks for the interview. Anything else you would like to say?
Sure, no comments.

United States rS.LzGaMeR
802f9eaed0c9a87f0561b73e5d9426b4dc4b1d358bb2648df9e9bb3431Ok, lets start out with the usual name, age, and location please?
Jacob Winstead , 20 years old, and i live in Louisiana USA~

What do you think about this tournament? Were you surprised to have been invited?
I think this Tourney is a Great idea for the fact it gives alot of Other not so known Gosu's to bring what they got to the Table.. and yes i was very shocked to be invited to this tourney.. i am not very well known outside of the USA, but maybe that will change who know's?

How long have you been playing SC:BW and how many games on average do you play each day? WGT/PGT high?
I been playing SC:BW for about.. 4 and half years... yet for the first 2 years i played BGH UMS and FASTEST Maps... i range in games per day.. some days i can play like 25 games in a day.. and then next day i play 3-5 games in a day.. so it just depends. Im A rank WGT high and A rank PGT high.

There are many other skilled zerg users in this tournament including mRv.Hullah, HeRoS)OctZerg, uG-ALF-vc, and your current teammate rS.Vanilla. Have you practiced with any of these players before? Any opinions about them?
I have yet to play any of those gamers except.. rS.vanilla a few games, but octzerg I've seen play.. very good gamer ..just yet to play vs. him

Your opponent in round 1 is iG.StarClan. What do you think your chances are against him?
iG.starclan will be one of my hardest opponents. For the fact im weakest vs. terran but... maybe i can pull it off with a little luck, and just the right timeing. I would say i have a 50-50% chance of winning lol ^^

Thanks for the interview. Anything else you would like to say?
i wanna give a shout out to Huntah my training partner for many years, and all of rS. , NeO) and ALL My Friends & Family <3

Macedonia HeRoS)OctZerg

e56a8c856c0d818d7bb48dda6b388caf0647fd0610219f32fb8ce0dd67ok lets start with name age location
Bojan Vlakevski 20 Skopje , Macedonia

Your opponent round one is InC)ImaGe, one of the most unknown players in the tour... you know of him?
I think i know him but not too much

If you had to pick your favorites to win..
Maybe predy or ..... dont know about the others, they're almost same skill so I dont know.

Who do you usually play/practice with?
Well i play HeRoS)Oldy, iG.Bing some games with ToT)Testie( last week and dont know i was playing PGT so not too much players i played last month

What's your best/worst MU?
I think my best its zvp/zvt worst but i more played zvt last time so dont know what best what worst

What chance do you think you have of winning the whole thing?
Well I think anyone can win tour with little more luck and concatrate but I want to have fun this tour. So I hope I will win. I have fun only when I win or play random .

Thanks for the interview. any shoutouts?
well GL TO ALL and i go for WIN

Ukraine aFz-ALF-uG

ae221e6f6bea33bc7fbce68c57f76e0821bdeadad9a6c86241be79c281Lets start with name, age and location
Oleksandr Yatsenko, 17, Ukraine -> Kiev

Now you've played in quite a few ggnet tournaments and even qualified for the kickoff tour final if i remember correctly. What do you think about this tournament idea? not the usual very well known players, but high skill
Sure great idea. You give a chance for young players to show themselves. And such champs stimulate players to play harder and make thier skill higher.

Who do you think will be the ones to go far? And how do you think you'll do vs PredY in round 1?
Most of the players are well known, in contrast to me and I think the most skilled are Demich, Starclan, Predy,OctoberZerg... My zvt is worst between all my match ups, but I hope I`ll show really gg vs Predy. I`ll try to do my best , and I hope my fellow players do too.

Who do you usually play with/practice with?
I have exams after a month so I haven't much time to train a lot with someone, but on weekends I`ll try to stay in good form playing on pgt. But sure there are some guys i prefere to play with: its my partners in uG and aFz, especially MannerToss.

Thanks for the interview. anything else you want to say?
GL all! I hope it`ll be a really cool tournament with a lot of wonderful games!


The Brackets
mRv.Hullah vs ExistenT
3D.Demich vs rS.Vanilla
MgZ)Gohan vs hL)Prohand
InC)ImaGe vs HeRoS)OctZerg
DoA.theogNis vs uT)G5
CDS)PredY vs aFz-ALF-uG
iG.StarClan vs rS.LzGamer
oG)StormToSS vs MgZ)Kashu

Map pool. Starting map round 1 is Luna, r2 Rush Hour etc.
Rush Hour
Ride of Valkyries
Namja Iyagi

That's it. 16players interviewed and introduced, tomorrow the gaming starts. This event will be shoutcasted by GosuGamers own Canada Micro-Lzuruha and maybe someone else on the same stream. Links to that shoutcast will be up on Saturday before the tournament starts.

GosuGamers - Terrans introduced
GosuGamers - Protoss introduced